Dexmedetomidine preserves the endothelial glycocalyx and improves survival in a rat heatstroke model
Source Magazine: Journal of Anesthesia
- Used Products:
- SEB966Ra
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is Associated with Elevated Periostin Levels
Source Magazine: Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes
- Used Products:
- SEH339Hu
Effects of Tualang honey in modulating nociceptive responses at the spinal cord in offspring of prenatally stressed rats
Source Magazine: Journal of Integrative Medicine
(台灣農業研究67 (4): 355-364) 香菇柄水萃物改善糖尿病降低阿茲海默氏症罹病風險初探
Source Magazine: 台湾农业研究
Homocysteinemia in relation to anemia in hypothyroid patients
Source Magazine: The Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty, Girls
Cyclophilin A and CD147 associate with progression of diabetic nephropathy
Source Magazine: Free Radical Research
- Used Products:
- SEA979Hu