Fermented Goat Milk Consumption Enhances Brain Molecular Functions during Iron Deficiency Anemia Recovery
Source Magazine: Nutrients
- Used Products:
- SEA425Ra
Hydrogen Sulfide Ameliorates Cognitive Dysfunction in Formaldehyde-Exposed Rats: Involvement in the Upregulation of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor
Source Magazine: Neuropsychobiology
- Used Products:
- CEA597Ge
Effect of Advanced Glycation End Products on the Progression of Alzheimer's Disease
Source Magazine: Journal of Alzheimers Disease
- Used Products:
- CEB353Ge
TRAIL and TRAIL Receptors as Prognostic Markers in Breast Cancer Patients
Source Magazine: Journal of Molecular Medicine
- Used Products:
- SEA139Hu
Oxidative stress indicators in Chinese women with PCOS and correlation with features of metabolic syndrome and dependency on lipid patterns
Source Magazine: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Used Products:
- CED051Ge
Autophagy regulates the therapeutic potential of adipose-derived stem cells in LPS-induced pulmonary microvascular barrier damage
Source Magazine: Cell Death & Disease
- Used Products:
- CSI027Mu01
- CSI031Mu01