Gln Attenuates LPS-induced Inflammatory Injury of Bos taurus Testis Sustentacular Cells
Source Magazine: Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology
Effects of Fermented Dandelion (Taraxacum coreanum) Extract on Male Climacteric Syndrome
Source Magazine: Journal of Life Science
- Used Products:
- SEA396Ra
Dosagem de frações ativadas do sistema complemento em empiema induzido em ratos
Source Magazine: Digital Repository
Chronic low-dose-rate ionising radiation affects the hippocampal phosphoproteome in the ApoE−/− alzheimer mouse model
Source Magazine: Oncotarget
- Used Products:
- SEA626Mu
Systemic Wound Healing Associated with local sub-Cutaneous Mechanical Stimulation
Source Magazine: Scientific Reports
- Used Products:
Regulation of Nutritional Metabolism in Transition Dairy Cows: Energy Homeostasis and Health in Response to Post-Ruminal Choline and Methionine
Source Magazine: PLoS One