1. Item Category
  2. Gene
Cluster Of Differentiation 247 (C<b>D247</b>)
A865: Cluster Of Differentiation 247 (CD247)
CD3-ZETA; CD3H; CD3Q; CD3Z; TCRZ; TCR-Z; T-Cell Receptor Zeta; CD3z Antigen; Zeta Polypeptide TiT3 Complex; T-cell receptor T3 zeta chain
Tyrosine Protein Kinase 7 (PTK7)
D247: Tyrosine Protein Kinase 7 (PTK7)
CCK4; Protein Tyrosine Kinase 7; Colon Carcinoma Kinase 4; Inactive tyrosine-protein kinase 7; Pseudo tyrosine kinase receptor 7