Tsukushin (TSK)


E2IG4; TSKU; LRRC54; Tsukushi; E2-induced gene 4 protein; Leucine Rich Repeat Containing 54; Tsukushi Small Leucine Rich Proteoglycan Homolog

Tsukushin (TSK)
Tsk is a BMP inhibitor in oviparous vertebrates that forms a ternary complex with Bmp and chordin and is involved in the regulation of primitive streak and Hensen node.
Using transcript-specific PCR primers for novel sequences that increased more than 10-fold upon treatment with 17-beta estradiol (E2), they cloned 5 cDNAs, designated E2-induced genes (E2IG) 1-5, from a human placenta cDNA library. The E2IG4 cDNA encodes a deduced 353-amino acid protein containing a leucine-rich repeat in the N terminus and 8 additional leucine-rich repeats. E2IG4 demonstrates domain and structural homology to extracellular matrix leucine-rich proteoglycans such as decorin and biglycan . It also contains various potential phosphorylation sites.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Proteins n/a Recombinant Tsukushin (TSK) Recombinant Protein Customized Service Offer
Antibodies n/a Monoclonal Antibody to Tsukushin (TSK) Monoclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
n/a Polyclonal Antibody to Tsukushin (TSK) Polyclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
Assay Kits n/a CLIA Kit for Tsukushin (TSK) CLIA Kit Customized Service Offer
n/a ELISA Kit for Tsukushin (TSK) ELISA Kit Customized Service Offer

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Proteins RPM428Mu01 Recombinant Tsukushin (TSK) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
Antibodies PAM428Mu01 Polyclonal Antibody to Tsukushin (TSK) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
Assay Kits SEM428Mu ELISA Kit for Tsukushin (TSK) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Antigen Detection.

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

Proteins n/a Recombinant Tsukushin (TSK) Recombinant Protein Customized Service Offer
Antibodies n/a Monoclonal Antibody to Tsukushin (TSK) Monoclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
n/a Polyclonal Antibody to Tsukushin (TSK) Polyclonal Antibody Customized Service Offer
Assay Kits n/a CLIA Kit for Tsukushin (TSK) CLIA Kit Customized Service Offer
n/a ELISA Kit for Tsukushin (TSK) ELISA Kit Customized Service Offer
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