Bactoprenol is a lipid synthesized by three different species of lactobacilli. Bactoprenol phosphate transports NAM and NAG across the cell membrane during the synthesis of peptidoglycan. Bacitracin inhibits the recycling of pyrophosphobactoprenol to the inner leaflet. The name `bactoprenol' has been given to the most abundant lipid formed by three species of lactobacilli from mevalonic acid. A method for the preparation of pure bactoprenol is described. The thin-layer chromatographic properties of bactoprenol and of its acetylated and hydrogenated derivatives resembled those of dolichol. Analysis by mass spectrometry and by nuclear magnetic resonance showed that the molecule is formed by condensation of 10 unsaturated isoprene units and 1 saturated isoprene unit. Its molecular weight is 768 and it has 10 double bonds/molecule.