Cellular Metabolomics Reveal the Mechanism Underlying the Anti-Atherosclerotic Effects of Aspirin Eugenol Ester on Vascular Endothelial Dysfunction
Source Magazine: International journal of molecular sciences
Marek's Disease Virus RLORF4 Inhibits Type I Interferon Production by Antagonizing NF-κB Activation
Source Magazine: Journal of virology
Sepsis causes right ventricular myocardial inflammation independent of pulmonary hypertension in a porcine sepsis model
Source Magazine: PLoS One
Posttreatment With LYRM03 Protects Rats From Acute Lung Inflammation Induced by Lipopolysaccharide via Suppressing the NF-κB/MyD88/TLR4 Axis
Source Magazine: journal of surgical research
- Used Products:
- SEA601Ra
Pioglitazone attenuates kidney fibrosis via miR-21-5p modulation
Source Magazine: Life sciences
- Used Products:
- RPA124Mu01
Status of vitamin D and the associated host factors in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and their household contacts: a cross sectional study
Source Magazine: Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Used Products:
- SEA475Hu