Potent combretastatin A-4 analogs containing 1, 2, 4-triazole: Synthesis, antiproliferative, anti-tubulin activity, and docking study
Source Magazine: European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
- Used Products:
- SEB870Mi
MicroRNA-99a is a Potential Target for Regulating Hypothalamic Synaptic Plasticity in the Peri/Postmenopausal Depression Model
Source Magazine: Cells
A thyroid hormone network exists in synovial fibroblasts of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients
Source Magazine: Scientific Reports
- Used Products:
- CEC022Ge
Hydroxytyrosol Supplementation Modifies Plasma Levels of Tissue Inhibitor of Metallopeptidase 1 in Women with Breast Cancer
Source Magazine: Antioxidants
- Used Products:
- SEA553Hu
Visual hallucinations in Alzheimer's disease do not seem to be associated with chronic hypoperfusion of to visual processing areas V2 and V3 but may be …
Source Magazine: Alzheimers Research & Therapy
- Used Products:
- SEA417Hu
Growth hormone induces Notch1 signaling in podocytes and contributes to proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy
Source Magazine: Journal of Biological Chemistry
- Used Products:
- PAA037Hu01
- PAB040Hu01
- PAB807Hu01
- PAA180Hu01