Ellagic acid ameliorates learning and memory deficits in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease: an exploration of underlying mechanisms.
Source Magazine: Psychopharmacology (Berl)
Comparative effects of brown and golden flaxseeds on body composition,
inflammation and bone remodelling biomarkers in perimenopausal
overweight women
Source Magazine: Journal of Functional Foods
Evaluation of two strains of Marek's disease virus serotype 1 for the development of recombinant vaccines against very virulent infectious bursal disease virus.
Source Magazine: Antiviral research
Increased oxytocin levels among abstinent heroin addicts: Association with aggressiveness, psychiatric symptoms and perceived childhood neglect.
Source Magazine: Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry
- Used Products:
- CEB052Ge
Calprotectin in serum and zonulin in serum and feces are elevated after introduction of a diet with lower carbohydrate content and higher fiber, fat and protein contents.
Source Magazine: Biomedical Reports
- Used Products:
- CEB067Hu
Expression of α-1,6-fucosyltransferase (FUT8) in rice grain and immunogenicity evaluation of plant-specific glycans.
Source Magazine: journal of biotechnology