Coagulation Factor IX (F9)


HEMB; FIX; GLA Domain; PTC; Anti Hemophilic Factor B; Christmas Factor; Plasma Thromboplastic Component; Christmas Disease; Hemophilia B

Coagulation Factor IX (F9)
  • Factor IX  is one of the serine proteases (EC of the coagulation system; it belongs to peptidase family S1. Deficiency of this protein causes hemophilia B. It was discovered after a young boy named Stephen Christmas was found to be lacking this exact factor, leading to hemophilia, in 1952. Factor IX is inactive unless activated by factor XIa (of the contact pathway) or factor VIIa (of the tissue factor pathway). When activated into factor IXa, in the presence of Ca2+, membrane phospholipids, and a Factor VIII cofactor, it hydrolyses one arginine-isoleucine bond in factor X to form factor Xa.Deficiency of factor IX causes Christmas disease (hemophilia B). Over 100 mutations of factor IX have been described; some cause no symptoms, but many lead to a significant bleeding disorder.

Organism species: Homo sapiens (Human)

Proteins RPA840Hu01 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
Antibodies PAA840Hu01 Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
MAA840Hu22 Monoclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB
LAA840Hu91 HRP-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC.
MAA840Hu21 Monoclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB
MAA840Hu23 Monoclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
Assay Kits SEA840Hu ELISA Kit for Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Antigen Detection.

Organism species: Mus musculus (Mouse)

Proteins RPA840Mu01 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
RPA840Mu02 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
Antibodies PAA840Mu01 Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
PAA840Mu02 Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
Assay Kits SEA840Mu ELISA Kit for Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Antigen Detection.

Organism species: Rattus norvegicus (Rat)

Proteins RPA840Ra01 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
Antibodies PAA840Ra01 Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
MAA840Ra21 Monoclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
Assay Kits SEA840Ra ELISA Kit for Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Antigen Detection.

Organism species: Oryctolagus cuniculus (Rabbit)

Proteins RPA840Rb01 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
RPA840Rb02 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
RPA840Rb03 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
APA840Rb03 Active Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Cell culture; Activity Assays.
Antibodies PAA840Rb51 Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
LAA840Rb71 Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC.
MAA840Rb21 Monoclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB
MAA840Rb22 Monoclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
Assay Kits n/a CLIA Kit for Coagulation Factor IX (F9) CLIA Kit Customized Service Offer
n/a ELISA Kit for Coagulation Factor IX (F9) ELISA Kit Customized Service Offer

Organism species: Bos taurus; Bovine (Cattle)

Proteins RPA840Bo01 Recombinant Coagulation Factor IX (F9) Positive Control; Immunogen; SDS-PAGE; WB.
Antibodies PAA840Bo01 Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC; IP.
LAA840Bo71 Biotin-Linked Polyclonal Antibody to Coagulation Factor IX (F9) WB; IHC; ICC.
Assay Kits n/a CLIA Kit for Coagulation Factor IX (F9) CLIA Kit Customized Service Offer
n/a ELISA Kit for Coagulation Factor IX (F9) ELISA Kit Customized Service Offer
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