Protein with Activity 1——MCSF1 (Colony Stimulating Factor 1, Macrophage)
Generally, protein could be used as immunogen based ontheir amino acid sequence. Moreover, protein will possess specific biologicalfunctions while they get spatial conformation, and various kinds of functionsof different proteins will lead to physical functions of organism. So, theresearch of active protein is a hot spot of biological and medical researchfield. As researchers need to use biological active proteins, but natural onesare difficult to obtain, so, most of the native proteins used are generatedform genetic engineering..There are several steps and expression methods to getproteins by genetic engineering. But, it is necessary to select gene sequence,expression system and activ......
The total protein quantitative method: Introduction and Advantages & Disadvantages.
Protein quantification isan indispensable part of the biology experiment, this technique has been widelyused in many fields and industries, including biology, food inspection,clinical examination, diagnosis. It is very common and important to make accurateand reliable quantitative analysis of protein in samples in the actualoperation process. Although so many protein quantitative methods can be usedfor the purpose, there is no a generaland ideal protein quantitive detection method, which is suitable for all kindssituations. It is because of the great variety protein type, diversity instructure, big variance in molecular weight and different functions. Now weintroduce the common protein......
The in-vitro Detection and Extraction of Various Histones
Histone is a kind of strongly basic proteinexists in chromatin of eukaryotic cell nucleus[A1], which is the basic structure protein ofeukaryotic chromosome. The DNA is compressed by Histones and together withHistones to form nucleosomes. If there is no histone[A2], the chromosomal DNA will be unlocked and will be scattered longDNA chains.[A3]It has greatsignificances to have researches on Histones. The abnormal level of Histoneswill lead to diseases, such as chronic kidney disease, etc. Also Histone modificationis related to immune regulation, autoimmune diseases, cancer, neurologicaldiseases and endocrine diseases.There are six types ofHistones: H1, H2A, H2B, H3, H4 and archaeal Histo......
How to Detect HMGB1 (High Mobility Group Box 1) in-vitro
High Mobility GroupProtein 1, also known as amphotericin. It’s encoded by HMGB1 genes. It’s namedwith HMGB1 due to the high mobility in SDS-PAGE.Now we treat humanHMGB1 as an example to have a brief introduction on High Mobility Group Protein1.Protein:Like Histones, HMGB1is the most important chromatin protein, it plays significant roles inmaintaining and stabilizing nucleosome DNA recombination, replication,transcription, repair etc. In addition, it also functions in infection,inflammation and immune reactions. HMGB1 is also one of the focus ofinflammation injury. Some scholars proposed HMGB1 as a DNA vaccine adjuvant andcancer therapeutic target.According UniprotMaster HMGB1 link......
The Detailed Preparation Process of GAD and GAD-Ab
GADis the target antigen in type I diabetes patients serum. GAD has now become animportant immunological biomarker in early prediction and diagnosis of diabetes.At first, Anti-GAD Ab was found in StiffmanSyndrome patients by Olimena. Then,many experimental and clinical data show that Anti-GAD Ab can be detected inpatients with autoimmune diseases. Here is a brief introduction of GAD and Anti-GADAb.GAD widely exists in thenervous system, tissues and organs, such asliver, spleen, pancreas andbrain etc. In mammals, there aretwoisomersof GAD, one is GAD67 (GAD1) and the other one is GAD65(GAD2). They are encoded byalleles onchromosome 2 and10,respectively.The main differences between GAD67......
Detection of Active Caspase 3 in Apoptosis
Caspase (Cysteine aspartic acid specificprotease) are a group of protease, which exist in cytoplasm. These proteasescan specifically cleave target proteins at C-terminal of aspartic acid residue,and their active site contains a cystein . Caspase play an important role inapoptosis, and 12 members of human caspase family were found till now.Caspase 3 is an essential member of caspasefamily, it functions as the main terminal cleave enzyme in apoptosis. Caspase 3is generated from pro-caspase 3, which is a precursor protein, contains 277amino acid residues. It is found that the structure of pro-caspase 3 containsfour parts, the first one is 1-9 amino acid consisted propeptide, the secondpar......